알지오[방송공지] 공지사항

Missionary "Sky" is coming to the show !!

9/29/2014|Views 2,766

Yes, you heard it! 

A missionary that has spread the gospel in more than 20 countries.

Don't ask him where he's been 'cos he's lost count.

He pioneered churches in many places, and experienced what most of us would never in a life time.

And if you think he's probably in his 60s or 70s to have been through what he has, well think twice. He's only in his 30s.

Sky is not only a missionary, but also a charismatic speaker who delivers lectures to young people around the world every year. So don't miss out 'the Josh & Joe Show' next Tuesday. 

Sky will be on the show next week (10/7).

If you have any questions you'd like us to ask on air... post them right below~!

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